past event:

AECOM at 2023 Shanghai International Carbon Neutrality Expo

Creating our road map to a sustainable future

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Digital Cities Volume 3: Connected Technology, Connecting Ecosystems

Deep-dive into how a digital ecosystem approach can help us develop holistic strategies for digital cities
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Past Event

AECOM ESG Roundtable Session 2

We are devoted to advancing the sustainable development of cities in western China

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Hong Kong Created Together

A journey of our projects’ accomplishment to create sustainable legacies for future generations

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Featured project:

Bengbu Longzi Lake South Lake Wetland Park

Remediating natural habitats to create a resilient urban infrastructure with NbS

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Featured Notes

Our numerous quarterly highlights

AECOM thanks everyone for your dedication!

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Featured project:

Creating livable communities through integrated solutions

Discover our award-winning residence projects

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Low-carbon solutions to cool our global village

How can our communities and cities more climate resilient?

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Featured project:

Suzhou Jinji Lake Waterfront

We contribute to this new community for over 20 years

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City Salon:

Connect, Collaborate and Create the Future Together

AECOM launches Action Initiatives on Hong Kong Northern Metropolis to development synergetic GBA

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AECOM Taiwan 10th Anniversary

Shaping a sustainable Taiwan with 10 years of dedication

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Our People

ESG-focused strategy converts risks into opportunities

Interview with Qi Zhang | AECOM ESG strategy China leader

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Our People

2023 AECOM Campus Recruitment Program Starts

Discover AECOMers’ rewarding career journeys

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